Albin D. Kline, MAI, SRA, MS
Business Consultant / Specialty Appraiser
Professional Expertise
Albin D. Kline was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He graduated from Totino Grace High School and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota. In 1983, he was awarded the SRA designation by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. In 1993, the Appraisal Institute awarded him the MAI designation. Mr. Kline achieved his Master’s Degree in Real Estate Appraising through the University of St. Thomas in December 2007.
Memberships, Licenses and Professional Affiliations
Albin D. Kline holds both the MAI and SRA designations by the Appraisal Institute. The Appraisal Institute was formed by the unification of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and the Society of Real Estate Appraisers.
Work Experience
In addition to the appraisal of residential and income producing real estate, his experience has included exclusive quality review for a national mortgage lender encompassing the State of Minnesota, and is a qualified expert witness in the City and County condemnation actions.
- The Appraisal Group (TAG), November 2023 to Present, Business Consultant / Specialty Appraiser
- The Appraisal Group (TAG), December 1993 to November 2023, President
- The Chase Brackett Company, 1983-1993, Vice President, appraiser and quality control reviewer
- The City of Brooklyn Park, 1981-1983, Staff Appraiser
- Minnesota Federal Savings and Loan, 1977-1978, Staff Appraiser
- Bachelor of Science – Business Administration, University of Minnesota
- Master of Science – Real Estate Appraisal Program, University of St. Thomas
- Market and Feasibility Studies (1998)
- Effective Communication (2002)
- Urban Land Economics (1999)
- Legal Issues in Valuation (2003)
- Advanced Topics in Real Estate (2004)
- Statistics in Real Estate Appraisal (2007)
Continuing Education
- Residential Housing Inspection, University of Minnesota (1981)
- Energy Conservation Seminar; Application in New and Existing Homes, University of Minnesota (1982)
- Building Construction McGraw Hill (1983)
- Evaluations and Other Limited Scope Assignments, Nelson-Hummel (1994)
- How to Perform FHA Appraisals within HUD Guidelines, Pre source (1995)
- FHA Appraiser Training, Mortgage Bankers Association (1997)
- Kline has attended real estate seminars sponsored by the University of Minnesota, the Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors, and other professional groups